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Mid-State Audition Files

MTVA Website for Mid-State Auditions
Use this to see the sheet music and to hear the tracks you'll audition with.  This website contains sound files of the pieces with piano playing your part louder than the others (for learning your part).  It also contains sound files with piano playing all parts at the same volume - pivot to using these tracks as soon as you feel comfortable with your part as these are the tracks you'll sing with at the audition.

Part Learning Videos
Ave Maria - Soprano
Ave Maria - Alto
Ave Maria - Tenor
Ave Maria - Bass

GRADES 10-12
Pueri Concinite - Soprano 1
Pueri Concinite - Soprano 2
Pueri Concinite - Alto 1
Pueri Concinite - Alto 2

Beati Mortui - Tenor 1
Beati Mortui - Tenor 2
Beati Mortui - Bass 1
Beati Mortui - Bass 2

Crucifixus - Soprano 1
Crucifixus - Soprano 2

Crucifixus - Alto 1
Crucifixus - Alto 2
Crucifixus - Tenor 1
Crucifixus - Tenor 2
Crucifixus - Bass 1
Crucifixus - Bass 2
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